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Entries in Michael Bay (3)


Movie Directors: The A-List | Ep #59

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Our multi-part series on movie directors launches with a wise-cracking commentary track on the big names atop every Hollywood producer's want list. And also Zack Snyder. Action!  
Show Notes: 

Movie Directors: The A-List | Ep #59


Summer Blockbusters | Ep #33

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Finally, the episode you've waited all summer to experience, presented in stunning IMAX 70 mm with thunderous THX sound. You've got your tickets. You've got your popcorn. Now take your seat and tell the guy next to you how excited you are as we overwhelm you with the spectacle of summer movies.*  

Show Notes: 
15:00 What made the blockbuster
25:55 Interlude: Meco: "Star Wars"
27:40 Waves
33:50 Michael Bay: the successful joke
37:10 The Syfy-ification of summer blockbusters
47:40 "Teasers frustrate me."
56:10 We always win 

*This episode was recorded prior to the event that took place in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, 2012. While it contains no direct references to The Dark Knight Rises, we apologize for any such associations that may come to mind and affirm that no disrespect is intended to the victims of that event. 

Summer Blockbusters | Ep #33


Doomsday | Ep #14

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Enraptured with the rapture but not sure where to start? Stop worrying and learn to love the bomb (and various other doomsday scenarios) with our guide to Mayan calendars, mushroom clouds, and Moore's law. It's the end of the world as we know it, and, you know.

Show Notes:
01:34 Armageddonology
The Mayan calendar
05:20 The (jolly) red giant theory
09:52 Sword Interval
13:12 Timewave Zero
24:23 When do the zombies come in?
25:46 All-star doomsday scenario team-up
28:55 Why 2K?
33:55 The Nibiru high-five
38:40 The original holy-crap, end-of-the-world story
44:46 Doomsday lit
50:13 End of the world flicks
55:17 Cthulu
Via's FAQ:
Q: Could phenomena occur where planets align in a way that impacts Earth?
A: There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades, Earth will not cross the galactic plane in 2012, and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.


Doomsday | Ep #14