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Summer Blockbusters | Ep #33

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Finally, the episode you've waited all summer to experience, presented in stunning IMAX 70 mm with thunderous THX sound. You've got your tickets. You've got your popcorn. Now take your seat and tell the guy next to you how excited you are as we overwhelm you with the spectacle of summer movies.*  

Show Notes: 
15:00 What made the blockbuster
25:55 Interlude: Meco: "Star Wars"
27:40 Waves
33:50 Michael Bay: the successful joke
37:10 The Syfy-ification of summer blockbusters
47:40 "Teasers frustrate me."
56:10 We always win 

*This episode was recorded prior to the event that took place in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, 2012. While it contains no direct references to The Dark Knight Rises, we apologize for any such associations that may come to mind and affirm that no disrespect is intended to the victims of that event. 

Summer Blockbusters | Ep #33

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Reader Comments (4)

Love the Christopher Nolan BWAAA at the beginning; it really sets the tone.

I, like Drew, saw Jurassic Park as my first summer blockbuster. My dad, my brother, and I were pretty much the last people in the theater, and had to sit pretty close because every seat was taken. I remember thinking that I'd never seen a movie theater that full before. I think it was possibly the 3rd movie I had seen in a theater, ever. I'd seen "Hook" on New Years Day and "3 Ninjas" on my 9th birthday, both in 1992. Even though "3 Ninjas" doesn't count as a summer blockbuster... man, I was totally in love with Rocky after that. Pretty sure that's the first crush I ever had. "Rock-y loves Di-an-a" Hey, it could have happened. Back then, my teeth were even buckier than Emily's.

Anyway, back to Jurassic Park ... Because I was an oldest child, I always related to the older sister character in every movie I saw or book I read. So, I do remember being disappointed that the girl in Jurassic Park was kind of a wimp, although I guess she made up for it in the end with her 1993-stye Hacker skillz. The other thing I remember from that movie experience is everyone cheering when the lawyer got eaten, which is when I realized that my dad wasn't the only one who hated lawyers.

TL;DR Movie nostalgia and preteen crushes

July 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDianer

I'd like to request a 3 Ninjas Hourchive with special guest Dianer.

July 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenternick

Only if we can cover the whole series and see what happens when Drew tries to do a Hulk Hogan impression.

July 26, 2012 | Registered CommenterJohn

Ha! Yes! Now that Nick mentions it, this is not the first comment in which I've referenced 3 Ninjas.

July 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDianer

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