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Entries in Bram Stoker (1)


Classic Movie Monsters | Ep #05

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From our laboratory in the castle east -- which has some pretty lousy acoustics -- we bring you the first half of a two-part creature feature on movie monsters. In this installment we stitch together some background on the classic Universal Studios monsters, consult Consumer Reports on the best ways to become a werewolf, and discover that the secret to a good story is a dude who eats flies. 

Show Notes:
01:03 Pogs
 The A-listers
06:00 Nosferatu
07:35 Expressionist horror
09:30 The Lugosi Dracula
12:35 Abbot and Costello legimize everything
13:20 Second-stringers and one-night stands
15:45 Nuc-u-lar mu-tants and mid-century monsters
16:40 Interlude: Puttin' on the Ritz (Young Frankenstein)
18:10 The logistics of monster-making
25:05 Bram Stoker's Dracula ("Are you sure there wasn't a cowboy?")
33:22 Werewolves ("Bust some science on me.")
41:16 Interlude: The Monster Squad
41:43 The mummy -- it sounds good on paper
42:20 The vampire slump

Classic Movie Monsters | Ep #05