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Modern Movie Monsters | Ep #07

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After being locked in the Hourchive during a nuclear explosion, we emerge with hideously profuse knowledge of Godzilla, cryptozoologic creatures, and the trick to getting around that "no eating after midnight" rule (hint: just don't wear a watch!). 

Show Notes:  
02:18 Modern monsters (when gluing fur on your face just doesn't cut it)
 Children of the bomb: Japan's atomic monsters
13:05 Misties
18:33 "Gonna need a weapon" (Attack the Block)
19:01 The Attack the Block creatures
21:30 It's a movie with a monster, not a monster movie (The Host | Cloverfield
27:09 Cryptozoology primer 
33:50 Interlude: Tenacious D: "Sasquatch"
34:42 Slashers
37:54 "Glove Guy" Special feature standbys
45:16 Interlude: Dokken: "Dream Warriors" 
46:36 Gremlins and the PG-13 rating
53:49 Gremlins Go to the Movies: Snow White | Hulk Hogan

57:55 Tremors 
1:02:02 Xenowhats?

Classic Movie Monsters 

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Modern Movie Monsters | Episode #07

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Reader Comments (4)

I'm only 13 minutes in to the podcast, but I came here to say that I ABSOLUTELY deem The Mist worthy of talking about! That movie was incredible. Now I'm going to go back and listen to what you have to say about it!

January 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDianer

Thanks! That makes three of us!

January 11, 2012 | Registered CommenterJohn

I don't remember what they said in Gremlins 2, but I always assumed that the "after midnight" rule always meant that the mogwai could be fed after dark, but only until midnight. Then, you couldn't feed it until it after sunrise. So, breakfast vs. a midnight snack?

January 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDianer

I think that's a pretty good theory, Diana.

January 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDrew

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