Backyards | Ep #82
Get off the shed and into a heartfelt discussion of tramplines, treehouses, and more.
Show Notes:
05:40 A game of horshoes!
07:59 Trampolines
10:40 The Pong paddle alignment
12:01 Superfly Jimmy Snuka
13:55 Interlude: House of Pain: "Jump Around"
27:30 Clubhouses / treehouses
35:15 Interlude: Rise Against: "Swing Life Away"
36:25 Swing sets
45:17 Inside-out Boy
47:10 Interlude: Cyndi Lauper: "Goonies R Good Enough"
48:06 Goonies
48:22 Rube Goldberg machines
53:15 Punky Brewster builds a treehouse
54:20 Cherie hides in a refrigerator
55:30 Monster Squad treehouse
56:00 G.R.O.S.S.
56:20 Gleaming the Cube bomb shelter
57:10 The Sandloat treehouse scene
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07:59 Trampolines
10:40 The Pong paddle alignment
12:01 Superfly Jimmy Snuka
13:55 Interlude: House of Pain: "Jump Around"
27:30 Clubhouses / treehouses
35:15 Interlude: Rise Against: "Swing Life Away"
36:25 Swing sets
45:17 Inside-out Boy
47:10 Interlude: Cyndi Lauper: "Goonies R Good Enough"
48:06 Goonies
48:22 Rube Goldberg machines
53:15 Punky Brewster builds a treehouse
54:20 Cherie hides in a refrigerator
55:30 Monster Squad treehouse
56:00 G.R.O.S.S.
56:20 Gleaming the Cube bomb shelter
57:10 The Sandloat treehouse scene
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Monster Squad,
Punky Brewster,
The Goonies,
The Sandlot,
summer series,
treehouses | in

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