Swimmin' | Ep #81
We hope you brought your trunks. And an extra layer of skin.
Show Notes:
05:50 The beach
14:05 Interlude: Modest Mouse: "Ocean Breathes Salty"
15:00 Saltrash
17:30 Bootstrap Bill Turner
19:15 Castaway Cay
26:45 Lakes
29:40 Rivers
21:50 Interlude: Julie London: "Cry Me a River"
33:05 Brain-eating amoebas
36:20 The Raft (Creepshow 2)
39:40 The pool
44:55 Interlude: The Aquabats: "Pool Party"
58:50 Water parks
See also: Summer Vacation | Ep #28
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14:05 Interlude: Modest Mouse: "Ocean Breathes Salty"
15:00 Saltrash
17:30 Bootstrap Bill Turner
19:15 Castaway Cay
26:45 Lakes
29:40 Rivers
21:50 Interlude: Julie London: "Cry Me a River"
33:05 Brain-eating amoebas
36:20 The Raft (Creepshow 2)
39:40 The pool
44:55 Interlude: The Aquabats: "Pool Party"
58:50 Water parks
See also: Summer Vacation | Ep #28
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summer series,
swimming pools,
water parks | in

Reader Comments (3)
FFS, Drew, you've got to get over the whole "creatures pooping in the ocean" thing. Guess what else is in the ocean? A ridiculous amount of salt. Salt sanitizes! So all the harmful things we come to associate with #2 on land are much less of a problem in the ocean. It's also a highly efficient ecosystem where the excretions of one creature are summarily eaten by the next. And the parts that aren't eaten become structures like coral reefs.
Also, John is 100% right that the density of life in the average lake is much higher than that of the ocean because the ocean is HUGE. Plus, no salt in most lakes, coupled with the proximity and density of human life results in a much dirtier body of water.
And I don't know when you guys last went to the ocean, but the last few times I was there, they had outdoor fresh water sand removers in the form of overhead and foot-level showerheads. They got rid of the salt and the sand from your body and feet. And in our case, our dogs. I'm beginning to think you guys aren't adequately qualified to tackle this subject, land-locked as you Saint Lounatics are!
You're just kind of proving my point for me, Diana. You say it's okay because other sea life comes along and eats the poop. That just means you're swimming around in poop-eater country. And apparently they let dogs in the ocean too, according to your post. And I bet they relieved themselves happily in there. Basically, the ocean is poopland. If you're happy to swim in that, more power to you.
If your alternative is to swim in a chlorinated pool, you should know that birds, insects, and humans regularly pee and poop in those. Mice, insects, frogs, and more small animals tend to die in pools. I can guarantee that occasional procreation of various species takes place in pools. But even if it doesn't, you breathe air, don't you? You realize what pollen is, right?