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Entries in video games (7)


Part-Time Jobs (Part 2) | Ep #72

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We're back to work this week with another round of reflections on our part-time employment past.  
Show Notes: 
07:30 GamePro / Game Informer
10:20 F-Zero
12:40 Interlude: Ozma: "Game Over"
25:50 Three Stooges NES game
26:55 FuncoLand commercial
27:35 The king of cleaning kits
28:00 Interlude: Homegrown: "Get a Job"
29:25 The rebound effect
32:30 Borders
35:20 Unwritten Law
45:35 Interlude: Blink-182: "Dumpweed"
46:40 Empire Records music selection veto
47:44 Mike Ness: Cheating at Solitaire
49:00 Wal-Mart
51:15 Papa Johns (see also: Pizza | Ep #2)
54:16 The part-time work wish list
57:36 Comic City (see also: Comic Books | Ep #66)
58:06 Comic Book Men
1:00:16 The Borg sphere

See also: Part-Time Jobs (Part 1) | Ep #71

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Part-Time Jobs (Part 2) | Ep #72


Extreme Sports | Ep #68 

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Hang ten; this week we're talking our way through all of the sports we were too scared to ever try. Skate or die! 
Show Notes: 
01:35 Origins of "extreme"
07:05 Skateboarding
09:25 The great hoverboard lie of 1988
12:26 Thrasher Magazine
12:48 Skate shops
13:05 Skateboard art
13:35 Interlude: Teenage Bottlerocket: "Skate or Die"
14:25 Safety last
16:45 BMX biking (see also: BMX Bandits | Ep #65)
17:01 Dyno VFR | Dyno Compe
19:00 Spills and scabs
28:35 Bones Brigade
29:35 Interlude: NOFX: "Separation of Church and Skate"
30:30 Rollerblades
32:40 Snowboarding
33:01 Hidden Valley
33:55 Skiing 
39:10 MTV Sports
42:35 Skate or Die
43:58 Top Skater
44:40 Tony Hawk Pro Skater series
46:50 Interlude: Adolescents: "Amoeba"
47:20 The X-Games
50:10 Tony Hawk's first 900
51:30 Warped Tour vert ramp
53:12 Razor scooters
56:12 Extreme flicks (Airborn / Thrashin' / Rad / Gleaming the Cube / Prayer of the Rollerboys / The Dirt Bike Kid)

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Extreme Sports | Ep #68


Christmas Presents | Ep #52

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Whether you prefer to start with the stockings or dive under the tree, help pass the time until Christmas morning with our look back at some favorite presents and present-opening moments of Christmas past. 
Show Notes: 
01:28 Christmas Eve presents
08:48 The Thundertank
10:57 The G.I. Joe Aircraft Carrier
11:54 Over Our Heads (the Facts of Life gift shop)
12:29 Drew receives a TV and smites his sister
14:47 SEGA Genesis starter kit w/Sonic the Hedgehog
18:25 Post-present euphoria
24:10 "The Hot Seat"
32:05 The Scavenger Hunt Method
39:35 Stockings-first vs. the stocking surprise
41:20 The Batman stocking scandal 
49:57 Drew doesn't want to know
51:05 "Those have to be back by midnight." 
52:42 Delayed gratification
56:19 One turntable and no microphones
59:25 The gift of giving


Christmas Presents | Ep #52


Road Trips | Ep #34

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Get your motor running and head out on the highway with us as we quite literally take the show on the road to talk about what makes road trips so great. No need to speed; the cruise control is set at "awesome."    

Show Notes: 
01:04 Ye olde Hourchive road show
02:54 I strive to drive
07:58 The dangers of the road
15:50 Route 66
33:20 Road games
41:19 The final approach
46:00 Interlude: Van Halen: "Jump" 
47:05 1984
51:05 Interlude: Rancid: "The Highway"
52:16 The voyage home 

Road Trips | Ep #34


Adolescence | Ep #18

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Drew's nephew Josh joins us in the Hourchive this week to school us on his favorite stuff (and even teaches us a thing or two about our favorite stuff).   

Show Notes: 
00:00 Drew's vindication
  80s Child World Commercial
04:45  Can you relate to a fifth grader?
Josh's quiz: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #10 | #11 | #12
19:06  Can you name the Pac-Man ghosts
20:50  Interlude: Pac-Man arcade play
21:30  Gaming is fun
23:53  Turtle Beach
26:33 "Waiting" (Josh's favorite Green Day song)
27:27  "Wishing Well" (Josh's favorite Blink 182 song)
28:40  Pocket God
30:03  Interlude: "The Double Rainbow Song"
31:00  What is the Internet?
31:44  Path of the Saiyans
46:30  Code Lyoko
56:19  Quotin' comics
58:08  What's so great about physics?
1:00:36  Sci-Fi Science
1:02:10 The future -- where everything hovers

Adolescence | Ep #18