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Fast Times at Ridgemont High | Ep #51

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It's the final installment of the 1982 Movie Retrospectacle (or Retrospectacular, depending on what we feel like calling it at any given moment)! We round out the four-part series with Fast Times at Ridgemont High. The movie that set the mold for all high school movies to come. Or was it? "Hey, I know that dude!" 
**Warning: This episode contains some bad words. So, if you don't like that kind of thing...**
Show Notes: 
01:17 1982 Retrospectacle: the final episode
04:35 The quintessential high school movie?
05:46 Porky's
08:04 The cheering squad | That's not a nerd | Blame John Hughes?
14:28 Jimmy Fallon and Mike Damone. Separated at birth?
16:52 Spicoli
22:25 "There are no villains"
23:29 Linda's "boyfriend"
26:44 Jennifer Jason Leigh
31:00 Ridgemont High School kids just deal with it
33:48 Interlude: "He's gonna kill us!"
35:38 Mike Damone
40:15 Surprises on set
41:18 Interlude: "Way to go Hamilton!"
44:00 Where are they now?
44:34 The sequel (in spirit) to Fast Times: The Wild Life
45:50 Fast Times at Ridgemont High: The book
47:30 Ron Johnson, Stereo Engineer
48:02 Brad Hamilton
52:24 80s movies fixtures
55:40 A 1982 Retrospectacle Round-up

Fast Times at Ridgemont High | Ep #51