Stephen King | Ep #69
Stephen King once dubbed himself the "literary equivalent of a Big Mac and fries." Obviously we're doing an episode on him.
Show Notes:
01:10 The fingerpop
02:30 Novellas vs. short stories
02:30 Novellas vs. short stories
04:26 The Stephen King phase
04:48 Pet Sematary trailer
07:01 The Stephen King ouvre
07:25 Carrie
08:18 The Bachman books
09:40 The Dark Half
10:57 Horror vs. terror vs. the gross-out
11:32 Danse Macabre
13:05 The Plant
14:11 Rock Bottom Remainders (see also: Side Projects and Concept Bands | Ep #62)
14:35 Maximum Overdrive
14:48 Stephen King vs. an ATM
15:25 Interlude: Ramones: "Pet Sematary"
22:08 The Shining
22:12 The Shinning
24:40 Carrie (1976)
29:45 Interlude: Joe Cornish: "The Shining"
30:40 The Dark Tower
33:16 The Stephen King universe
34:10 Hearts in Atlantis
35:37 The Stand
39:30 Interlude: Ben E. King: "Stand By Me"
40:17 The Body / Stand By Me
48:36 The pie eating contest (see also: Carnivals and Fairs | Ep #38)
54:00 It
56:08 The Mist (see also: Modern Movie Monsters | Ep #07)
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04:48 Pet Sematary trailer
07:01 The Stephen King ouvre
07:25 Carrie
08:18 The Bachman books
09:40 The Dark Half
10:57 Horror vs. terror vs. the gross-out
11:32 Danse Macabre
13:05 The Plant
14:11 Rock Bottom Remainders (see also: Side Projects and Concept Bands | Ep #62)
14:35 Maximum Overdrive
14:48 Stephen King vs. an ATM
15:25 Interlude: Ramones: "Pet Sematary"
22:08 The Shining
22:12 The Shinning
24:40 Carrie (1976)
29:45 Interlude: Joe Cornish: "The Shining"
30:40 The Dark Tower
33:16 The Stephen King universe
34:10 Hearts in Atlantis
35:37 The Stand
39:30 Interlude: Ben E. King: "Stand By Me"
40:17 The Body / Stand By Me
48:36 The pie eating contest (see also: Carnivals and Fairs | Ep #38)
54:00 It
56:08 The Mist (see also: Modern Movie Monsters | Ep #07)
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Stephen King,
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Reader Comments (4)
The first (and only) Stephen King novel I ever read was The Shining, and I read it as a very sheltered 12-year-old. I was curious about it because my mom had always told me how creepy the movie was. I later saw the movie and I can attest that the book and the movie are entirely different beasts. I'v read several of his short stories, and the one that creeped me out the most was The Road Virus Heads North. In my mind, The Road Virus is played by Jake Busey.
One movie adaptation that is in my list of favorites for many reasons (including Morgan Freeman's ridiculously bushy white eyebrows) is DreamCatcher. The story is a little nutty, but it's one part "IT" with the band of friends, another part Outbreak and another part alien invasion, and somehow it works. And it stars Damien Lewis, Jason Lee AND Timothy Olyphant. I mean, come on! Awesome. There's a really intense scene involving a toilet and toothpicks that had me screaming at the TV. Watch it.
Oh, and thumbs up for the Joe Cornish song interlude. I squeaked in excitement when it came on.
While listening I’d decided I wouldn’t comment on this episode but a challenge was issued. Drew made all my points early in the podcast so I won’t rehash them. I think what is most disappointing about Stephen King is that his early work showed such promise. Had he cared more for the writing, rather than the notoriety, he might have produced some really good works. Pet Sematary was the last thing I read by King. After that I swore I would not contribute another dime to his income. If anyone else had submitted that manuscript to a publisher, it would not have been accepted.
I understand that many people are huge fans. I just avoid the topic…just like I avoid talking religion and politics. My views rarely coincide with the mainstream on these topics. :)
Although late to the party, I will still comment that I can't believe John didn't make any mention of something we'd talked about long before this podcast (it's been a while, so probably he forgot)...a disorder known as hypergraphia. This short Psychology Today article explains and cites several famous hypergraphics at the end. I can't find anything in which Stephen King himself acknowledges this as a disorder he's been diagnosed with, but -- it could explain a lot. (Karen, it might explain why some of his work just seems to go on and on...for no discernible reason!)