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Marvel Cinematic Universe | Ep #23

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As Captain America throws his mighty shield and Hulk smashes box-office records, we assemble our thoughts on each of the Marvel movies (thus far) and talk crossovers, continuity, and Agent Coulson.  Excelsior! 

Show Notes: 
03:30 Iron Man
10:03 Nick Fury & the Avengers Initiative (Iron Man)
11:50 Previous cinematic crossovers
15:45 Iron Man 2
20:18 Thor
39:12 Interlude: The Avengers trailer
39:57 The Avengers: the good, the bad, and the Coulson

Marvel Cinematic Universe | Ep #23

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Reader Comments (1)

Finally finished listening, now that I've seen the movie (in 3D! yay). I, too, enjoyed it tremendously. Never saw Captain America or any of the Hulk movies, but I thought Mark Ruffalo's performance was pretty incredible. It's also hard to imagine that Chris Evans was once the poor man's Freddie Prinze, Jr. However, I'm surprised they resurrected the Black Widow, considering that she was murdered and dismembered in her movie.
I do disagree with John re: Agent Colson; that scene had me fighting back tears. His vintage cards got all ruined! Now they're worth, like, nothing! No, but really, while I didn't necessarily buy into the fact that it made such a huge impact on the heroes, his "sacrifice" definitely got me choked up.

June 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDianer

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