Comic Books | Ep #66
Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 01:01AM
John in Batman, DC comics, a-c, comics, episodes, image comics, marvel, spider-man, todd mcfarlane, tv, x-men

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Grab your bags and boards, True Believers. We're raiding the longboxes for a very special issue that'll be worth millions some day.   
Show Notes: 
00:40 The Todd McFarlane technique
01:45 John hates "annuals"
03:00 Our first books
03:51 X-Men the Animated Series
04:49 My Secret Identity
09:10 Comic shops
14:15 Interlude: X-Men the Animated Series Opening Theme
15:20 It's hard out there for a comic shop
17:51 The publisher/distributor/retailer rut
19:10 Diamond Comics Distributors
25:10 The digital promise
28:30 Interlude: "Tracer" (Chasing Amy)
29:20 Comics lexicon
31:20 The collecting phenomenon
33:44 Amazing Fantasy #15
41:20 Comic book people
45:15 Interlude: Tripod: "Hot Girl in the Comic Shop"
47:05 Epic crossovers
48:20 Onslaught
50:50 Age of Apocalypse
53:20 No Man's Land
56:40 "Other" publishers

See also:
Marvel Cinematic Universe | Ep #23
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Ep #37
DC Cinematic Universe: Superman | Ep #53
DC Cinematic Universe: Batman | Ep #54

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