Addendums 02 | Eps 16 - 30
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 11:17PM
John in Grease 2, a-c, adolescence, board games, game shows, landmarks, marvel cinematic universe, minecraft, social media, the creeps, video rental, zombies
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It's time for another retrospective. Stand back, as we open the vault doors and reexamine topics that were previously thought to be exhausted. Don't worry, we didn't watch Grease 2 again. (but we will talk about it)
Show Notes:
28:54 The fabric of The Hourchive
29:50 Grease 2 (1982 movie series #1) / The Nerd
34:30 The stamp / How The Hourchive works
42:48 The Hourchive River
1:03:56 The importance of a good crowd
Article originally appeared on The Hourchive | A podcast chronicling everything awesome, one hour at a time (
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