Addendums 02 | Eps 16 - 30
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 11:17PM
John in Grease 2, a-c, adolescence, board games, game shows, landmarks, marvel cinematic universe, minecraft, social media, the creeps, video rental, zombies

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It's time for another retrospective. Stand back, as we open the vault doors and reexamine topics that were previously thought to be exhausted. Don't worry, we didn't watch Grease 2 again. (but we will talk about it)

Show Notes: 
03:03 The Hourchive Expanded Universe / Boba Fett / Dash Rendar
03:24 The Creeps / Sesame Street / SCP-1981 / The Creepification of VHS / Lake Mungo
13:05 Interlude: The Queers "Like a Parasite"
13:39 Video Rental / Video Free Brooklyn / Scarecrow Video / Scarecrow Video on Twitter / Vulcan Video / I LUV VIDEO / The VHS Culture
20:38 Adolescence / Josh joins via cell phone / Minecraft / Seeds / Herobrine, Herobrine, Herobrine / Sapphire Dragon (image)
27:55 Interlude: Bobby Yarsulik "Minecraft: The Song"
28:54 The fabric of The Hourchive
29:50 Grease 2 (1982 movie series #1) / The Nerd
32:30 Social Media / Facebook IPO
34:30 The stamp / How The Hourchive works
36:35 Game Shows / Supermarket Sweep / Shop 'Til You Drop
38:32 Landmarks / The World Trade Center
42:48 The Hourchive River
43:00 Marvel Cinematic Universe / Tom Hiddleston is awesome
45:05 Interlude: Tom Hiddleston on Jurassic Park
46:24 The Incredible Hulk Returns / The Trial of the Incredible Hulk
48:58 Zombies / The Sprites "George Romero" / Lucio Fulci / The Beyond (warning: graphic) / Shark vs. Zombie from Zombi 2
53:44 Board Games / Chess / Risk / Axis & Allies / Small World
58:02 Rock Shows / Fuel / Jimmie's Chicken Shack / Roach and the merch table / Stroke 9 / The Who
1:02:35 Interlude: The Who "Baba O'Riley"
1:03:56 The importance of a good crowd
1:05:14 Summer Vacation / John hates BBQs / Drew hates the beach
1:09:03 E.T. The Extra Terrestrial (1982 movie series #2) / E.T. Adventure! at Universal Studios / "Goodbye Meeknok!"
1:15:47 The Great Outdoors / Riddled with mosquito bites / Fresh night air

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