Zombies | Ep #25
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 08:09AM
John in George Romero, Y-Z, books, episodes, horror, movies, tv, zombies

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Show Notes: 
01:25 The origin of zombies ("techlically") 
08:40 White Zombie
09:20 The Romero movies 
11:16 I Am Legend (novel)
11:31 Carnival of Souls
14:40 Interlude: The Sprites: "George Romero"
15:55 Brains
16:28 Dawn of the Dead 
17:20 Return of the Living Dead
28:00 Day of the Dead / Land of the Dead / Diary of the Dead
34:05 Interlude: The Creepshow: "Zombies Ate Her Brain"
35:10 "You do plan on having zombies in your zombie movie, right?"
36:50 World War Z / Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
46:30 Interlude: The Deadlines: "Go-Go to the Graveyard"
47:52 Shaun of the Dead
49:13 The Walking Dead
54:07 Dead Set
58:01 Happy endings = certain doom

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