The Mall | Ep #10
Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 07:54AM
John in '80s, Blues Brothers, Dawn of the Dead, M-O, Mallrats, Tiffany, episodes, malls, muzak, shopping, suburbia

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Do you love the smell of commerce in the morning? Then take a ride with us to the mall, where wishes are granted, greenery is inoffensive, and all must pay tribute to the red-haired, denim-bejacketed siren of the center court fountain, Tiffany.

Show Notes:  
01:30 Which came first: the chicken or the strip mall? 
 It's not a mall; it's the mall 
06:40 Get your sprawl on  
12:58 Put a roof over that
14:40 Interlude: Muzak: Theme from Taxi Driver
21:06 Children's art has to go someplace
16:40 Interlude: I Love the '80s: The Mall
33:03 Mall culture (mallture?)
35:25 Interlude: Tiffany: "I Think We're Alone Now"
38:03 Lessons learned (while buying nothing)
47:44 The perks and perils of mall employment
50:20 Interlude: The Blues Brothers trash Dixie Square Mall
56:40 Dead malls 

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